2nd Saturday of each month, 10-11am

Our Crop Swap aims to facilitate the swapping of WSCG grown & home grown & made produce, seeds and edible plants, through a monthly cashless 'market'.
We hope to build connection with the community surrounding the garden, so we encourage anyone to come along bearing something to exchange... it's not just for our garden members!
Crop Swaps provide an opportunity to get more of what you want, and less of what you don’t, without wasting the fruits of your labour! There's many other benefits too; a reduction of waste, packaging and food miles, a chance to learn about different foods, chat with like-minded people, gain inspiration & know-how and of course... save money!
What can you bring to swap?
- Home-grown fruit, veggies, nuts.
- Gardening goodies (coffee grounds, worm juice etc).
- Recycled hessian sacks, old stockings (for garden ties).
- Something you’ve baked (bread, cake, biscuits – please list ingredients).
- Copies of your favourite seasonal recipe.
- Seeds you’ve saved, seedlings and cuttings you’ve raised (only edible stuff).
- Gardening magazines or gardening books you’ve read.
- Homemade preserves (relishes, jams etc – please list ingredients).
- Empty & clean (labels off) sauce bottles & jam jars.
The list is endless...
We hope you will join us!