Code of Conduct

Willsmere Station Community Garden

Our Code of Conduct - WSCG Gardener's Agreement

The following Code of Conduct applies to all Members, without limiting rights of members in the Rules.

As a Garden Member, you have the right to:

a) Be kept informed about all activities and events organised for the Garden community.

b) Have your personal details managed in accordance with the Rules and privacy procedures established by the Committee.

c) Participate on the Committee or as a sub-committee member, if elected or appointed as relevant.

d) Feel safe within the Garden and be treated with respect by all Garden members.

e) Participate with other Garden members in sharing produce, and harvesting produce from communal areas 

f) Undertake and accept tasks within your ability related to Garden working bee'ss and similar requirements as a member.

g) Have access to Garden events before bookings are available to non-members (e.g. for Garden workshops).

As a Garden Member, you are asked to:

h) Always act in the best interests of the Garden and all Members, in maintaining the appearance and integrity of the Garden.

i) Adhere to the operating procedures and policies of the Garden and the requirements of the Rules.

j) Pay your membership fee in a timely manner as it falls due.

k) Participate in maintaining the upkeep of the Garden to provide a safe, neat and appealing environment for the enjoyment of members and the wider community, including attending required working bees.

l) Uphold the Code of Conduct and hold other members to account, if necessary.

m) Provide your personal details to the Membership Secretary as needed for your membership application and not use personal information of any other member except as permitted by law.

n) Read Garden notices and Member communications, to stay up to date of Garden activities and events.

o) Act in a spirit of cooperation and sharing with others in the Garden, both Members and non-members.

p) Be reasonable and respectful in your manner towards others in the Garden.

q) Act in a manner that ensures your safety and the safety of others in the Garden.

r) Submit any grievances to the Committee, to be resolved in accordance with the Garden's Dispute Resolution policies.

s) Ensure that you understand safe manual handling techniques, for the materials and tools that you use within the garden.

- WSCG Incorporation Number A01065071
