
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Become a WSCG Member

All City of Boroondara residents, over the age of 18, and community groups within the area, are welcome to become Garden Members. The garden is managed by the Willsmere Station Community Garden Inc. Committee of Management.

Garden Membership

Garden Membership caters for residents of Boroondara that are interested in communal gardening. As a Member of the garden you will have the opportunity to become involved in the community aspect of the garden, along with the experience and joy of planting in the communal plots beds, and share in the produce that is available from those plots. You’ll have access to the garden’s communal tools and also be able to attend events that we host in the garden.

Garden Membership also allows you to actively participate while you are on the waiting list for your own plot tenure to become available. 

The annual fee for Garden Membership is:

  • $25 per year, for individuals.

What are the Benefits of being a member of the Willsmere Station Community Garden?

- Fresh herbs! With just 7 visits to the garden for fresh herbs your membership will have paid for itself by saving what you spend per sleeve at the grocery store AND you won’t have all that plastic going to landfill.
- Playing in the dirt! Communal General member areas are available for members to plant things you’d like to try your hand at growing.
- Produce Sharing! Many of our members will place items on the abundance shelf when they have excess produce to share.
- Events! Attend events hosted at the garden – Sauce Day, Crop Swap, Garden Talks, etc
- Social and Active! Socialise while you exercise at our monthly working bees. Our working bees are followed by time to enjoy a bite to eat or a cup of tea or coffee.
- Fruit Harvest! Partake in our harvest days where we pick fruit from our trees and share the crops with our members.

But I have a garden at home, I don’t need to come to WSCG...
Great! So you have experience! You might be able to share this with other gardeners or maybe there is something you can’t grow at home due to the soil or sun and you could try it at WSCG.
But I don’t want to plant anything! That’s ok – as a general member you don’t have to plant anything. We just ask that you be involved by attending 2 working bees a year.

So if you're not a member yet, what are you waiting for?

Plot Tenure

Current Garden Members are eligible to become a Plot Holder, and be allocated their own plot for a five year tenure. 

* Please note that there is an active waiting list for a tenured plot (see below) *

Community Groups based within Boroondara can also apply for Plot Tenure in one of the four designated community plots for a tenure of 5 years. 

Plot Holders are allocated a container in the shed to store small tools & their gardening needs. They also have access to the communal areas and are welcome to share in the harvest from these areas. Please note: you must be a Garden Member whilst holding a plot tenure.

The annualc fee for Plot tenure is:

  • $100 per year, for individuals.

  • $150 per year, for community groups.

Wait List for Plot Tenure

Due to strong community interest when the garden opened in 2019, a ballot was held to allocate plot tenure to interested community members. Following the ballot, and the initial allocation of the plots, the unsuccessful applicants were placed on a waiting list.

As of January 2024, our waiting list for Plot Tenure is still active, and you are welcome to request that your name be added to the list when you sign up as a member. Plots are allocated in order, with new applicants being placed at the bottom of the list. For more information, please email Susie, our Membership Secretary, at



You must be a resident of the City of Boroondara to be a member of our community garden.

When registering, you will be asked to provide proof of residency.
