Scarecrow Festival 2022

Scarecrow Festival 2022

WSCG was delighted to host Giant Steps School's first Scarecrow Festival over the weekend of 29-30 October 2022. A really great activity for everyone, that also raised funds for Giant Steps wonderful school in Kew.

A lot of fun was had stuffing straw into every crevice of old clothes & making them 'come alive' with expressive faces. The scarecrows definitley added a new dimension to the comunity garden while they were up on display. Let's just say, you never felt alone in the garden!! 

We look forward to doing it again in October 2023. So, if you cleaning out your wardrobes...please give it to us! Especially useful are kid-sized long sleeve shirts and kid-sized long pants, pjs or leggings. Hats, scarves, gloves & socks would be great too. Really, any kid sized gear that is too ratty for actual Op Shop donations will be greatly appreciated & make the Scarecows the best dressed in Melbourne!

Donations can be left in Plot 23's tub in the shed at WSCG or email for more information.
