How to Use a Defibrillator
Once you have a defibrillator on hand, you may commence defibrillation. Here are the steps to using a defibrillator:
- Turn on defibrillator – Press the green turn on button and follow the instructions written on the defibrillator.
- Apply sticky pads on individual’s skin – One on each side of the individual. The defibrillator should come with an instruction manual on where to apply the pads.
- Let defibrillator monitor patient’s heart rhythm – Do not touch the individual during this time. The defibrillator will let you know whether they will need a shock.
- A shock is needed – Press the shock button and stand back. The defibrillator will tell you when to start CPR again and for how long.
- A shock is not needed – The defibrillator will tell you to perform CPR instead and will provide how long it needs to be performed for.Follow defibrillator’s instructions – The defibrillator will either tell you that:
Some cardiac emergencies may require special considerations. Here are some situations that may call for more attention:
- If the individual is an infant or a child – Make sure to use the pads for children that are also provided in the defibrillator.
- If the individual is wearing a bra or has piercings on their torso – Remove any metals before using an AED on an individual to prevent interference.
- If the individual is covered in sweat or water – Wipe down the individual before applying the sticky pads. Any wet surface prevents the sticky pads from being applied correctly. This may divert shocks from the heart.